We’re big fans of well executed, creative ads, and consumers are too. We’ve rounded up just a few current faves. If your favorite ad didn’t make the list, post a picture or link of your top picks in the comments below.
1. The Philips Flashlight Torch
This ad does what great ads should, demonstrates how the product works instead of bombarding you with logos and branding.
2. Sherman-Williams
The paint chip Kaleidoscope ad encourages consumers to get creative with paint choices, plus it had us hitting replay again and again.
3. Nest
It’s not secret we’re a big fan of Nest, and this clever ad just sealed the deal.
4. Scotch Super 77 Spray Adhesive
Talk about eye-catching and effective. Wouldn’t you agree? (Don’t let the thousands of nails flying towards your head influence your answer.)
5. Lowe’s
We’ve all felt like this at some point during a DIY project. Thanks for letting us know we’re not alone Lowe’s.