Cannonball Coffee Maximum Charge is one of the many strong coffees available on the market and is loved by those who rely on a potent caffeine kick. As a caffeine lover, it is important to be aware of the caffeine content in your favorite morning pick-me-up. If Cannonball Coffee Maximum Charge is your brew of choice, you are consuming almost three times the recommended daily amount (1,101 milligrams).
Caffeine can affect people differently, but if your tolerance is high, Cannonball Coffee Maximum Charge will likely become a favorite.

About Cannonball Coffee Maximum Charge
Maximum Charge coffee from Cannonball Coffee is a Rwandan Robusta coffee. Their roastery is based in the UK, and Cannonball Coffee Maximum Charge is considered UK’s strongest coffee. They are led by a British Army veteran inspired by the Danish Army’s practice of sipping strong black coffee while serving in Afghanistan. They strive to make coffee with a high caffeine concentration without compromising flavor.
Rwanda is one of the origins where specialty Robusta coffee has gained popularity. Robusta can thrive at low altitudes and is resistant to leaf rust, which are two major benefits of growing it. A Rwandan Robusta that Cannonball discovered had the flavor characteristics of some Arabica coffee and the desired amount of caffeine.
A freshly brewed cup of this coffee has a rich aroma and deep color that you would expect from Robusta coffee. The taste lacks the bitterness that most strong coffees have but does have a slight bite of dark chocolate notes with a smooth and pleasing aftertaste.
How Much Caffeine is In Cannonball Coffee Maximum Charge?
Cannonball Coffee Maximum Charge is a strongly caffeinated Robusta-based coffee. It contains 1,101 mg of caffeine per 12 oz cup, so it is only recommended for individuals with a strong tolerance and low sensitivity to caffeine.
It’s named the strongest coffee in the UK, but compared to other strong coffees on the market, there are some with much higher levels of caffeine. Very Strong Coffee sits at the top with 1,350 mg of caffeine per 12 oz cup!
Compared to other strong coffees
Strongest Coffee Bean Brands | Serving Size | Caffeine Content |
Very Strong Coffee | 12 oz | 1350 mg |
Devils Brew Extreme Caffeine Coffee | 12 oz | 1,325–1,350 mg |
High Voltage Coffee | 12 oz | 1,150 mg |
Black Insomnia | 12 oz | 1,105 mg |
Cannonball Maximum Charge | 12 oz | 1,101 mg |
Biohazard Coffee | 12 oz | 928 mg |
Death Wish | 12 oz | 728 mg |
Killer Coffee | 8.46 oz | 430 mg |
Compared to popular house coffee brands, the caffeine in Cannonball Maximum Charge is, on average, five times higher than that in a 12 oz cup! This means that one cup of home-brewed Cannonball Maximum Charge Coffee equals over five 12 oz cups of Starbucks dark roast and close to nine 12 oz cups of Dutch Bros Americano.
With that comparison, it’s safe to say that you will have a much higher amount of caffeine by preparing your own Cannonball Maximum Charge Coffee than by stopping in at your local coffee house.

Compared to coffee house coffee
Coffee House Brand | Serving Size | Caffeine Content |
Cannonball Maximum Charge | 12 oz | 1,101 mg |
Starbucks dark roast coffee | 12 oz | 190 mg |
Dunkin Donuts dark roast coffee | 14 oz | 117 mg |
Costa Coffee Americano | 12 oz | 185 mg |
McCafe brewed coffee | 12 oz | 109 mg |
Dutch Bros Coffee Americano | 12 oz | 93.5 mg |
It may now seem redundant to even compare Cannonball Maximum Charge to regular coffee brewed at home, but it does help affirm how strong and caffeinated this brand of coffee is. An 8 oz cup of filter coffee made from Robusta beans contains about 265 mg of caffeine, making Cannonball Maximum Charge four times stronger. Compared to instant coffee, it is just under 20 times stronger!
Maximum Charge Compared to Popular Home-Made Caffeinated Drinks
Drink | Serving Size | Caffeine Content |
Cannonball Maximum Charge | 12 oz | 1,101 mg |
Filter Coffee using Robusta beans | 8 oz | 265 mg |
Instant Coffee | 8 oz | 57 mg |
Robusta Espresso | 1.5 oz shot | 141 mg |
Black Tea | 8 oz | 42 mg |
Is Cannonball Coffee Maximum Charge Safe?
The recommended daily amount of caffeine is 400 mg. This amount of caffeine is considered safe and generally doesn’t cause any side effects. Cannonball Coffee Maximum Charge contains 1,101 mg of caffeine per 12 oz, which is close to three times the recommended amount in one cup. However, people vary greatly in their sensitivity to caffeine’s effects as well as in how quickly they break it down. Furthermore, certain health conditions can make a person more sensitive to caffeine.
Cannonball Coffee Maximum Charge is not recommended for people sensitive to caffeine and should be consumed in moderation only by people with a high tolerance. If you are sensitive to caffeine and consume too much, you may experience anxiety, headaches, nausea, jitters, increased heart rate, and insomnia. According to the FDA, quickly consuming 1,200 milligrams of caffeine can have dangerous side effects such as convulsions.

Cannonball Coffee Maximum Charge has a high caffeine content of 1101 mg per 12 oz cup. It is considered the strongest coffee in the UK and is only recommended for people with a high caffeine tolerance. While there are other stronger coffees on the market, they should still be consumed cautiously as they exceed the daily recommended amount of caffeine of 400 mg. Cannonball Coffee Maximum Charge is a great-tasting and effective coffee for those who are not sensitive to caffeine and rely on a strong caffeine kick to get their days started.
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