Photo Credit: ingrid eulenfan via Compfight cc
Part of what makes the DIY Consumer set unique is their loyalty to the brands they love. As I’ve said before, brand loyalty isn’t built overnight, but there are certain things companies can do to show DIYers they are a brand worthy of their devotion.
One of the main drivers in brand loyalty for the DIYer is online resources. Consumers have the potential to be limited in their ability to complete a project, and your online resource can be the answer. Or maybe consumers don’t know where to start in their home, your online resource can be the answer for that too.
Offer consumers some of the tools listed below to help them feel confident in their home projects and help build their sense of loyalty to your brand.
Offer a Range of How-to Videos
Variety is key for your online resources. Offer consumers everything from short videos that give easy tips for simple projects to 20 minute videos that walk DIYers through a complex project step by step.
Consider spotlighting experts in certain videos to learn some of their tricks of the trade. Or you could spotlight the average joe working on a harder project and have them give feedback and offer help in places they got stuck.
Varying your videos means that DIYers can find what they need, when they need it, for whatever mood they’re in. By supplying both long and short videos, consumers will be able to get tips on the fly or watch your longer videos over and over to get every detail right.
Break-up Complex Projects into Shorter Videos
Similar to offering a range of videos, your consumer may not have the time to watch a full-length video, even for a complex problem. In the example videos below, Lowe’s has broken up the painting cabinets project into prepping the cabinets and then actually painting.
However, I recommend you also offer a longer video that includes all of the shorter videos in one place. As I stated above, you want to be able to cater to every DIYer’s state-of-mind, and while most will appreciate the short tutorials, some may want to follow the video start to finish.
Lowe’s How-to Prep Cabinets for Painting
Lowe’s How-to Paint Cabinets
Printable Checklists
Nothing annoys me more than getting in the grove of my home project only to find out I don’t have the right type of scissors or duct tape or some other thing I’ve forgotten to purchase.
Checklists, like videos, give consumers a boost of confidence to get started on their project. Taking the guess work out of projects helps consumers feel confident in their ability to complete a project.
Printed checklists can be taken hot off the printer straight into your brick-and-mortar location to allow DIYer to purchase everything they need from you on the spot. You want to be able to give DIYers the tools the want at the moment inspiration strikes.
Think Outside the Home Project Box
Don’t limit your resources to be only about painting, gardening and flooring. DIYers spend lots of hours and dollars on their home in other ways as well.
For example, right now spring cleaning is on everyone’s mind. While getting that cleaning fix may not technically be a DIY project, it’s still something that’s important to your consumers. Offer consumers spring cleaning checklists like the one below from Martha Stewart.
Offer Resources that Inspire
Don’t wait for the DIYer to come to you with an idea, fill your YouTube Channel, blog and social media with inspiring projects to brighten up their home. Inspirational resources should feel approachable and unique. Offer projects that can be completed in a weekend or construction projects that don’t need power tools.
DIYers love projects that offer both form and function. Consider what pain points you can remedy for your consumers in a quick 30 minute project, and then tell them how they can do the same.
Be Mobile
Apps with slightly fewer resources or mobile sites with less information will no longer cut it with DIYers. We have become a mobile society, so your online resources must be mobile too.
Project apps are a great way to get consumers involved on mobile. Use push notifications to alert them of the first day of spring, upcoming holidays or budding trends.
Mobile also lets you easily incorporate everything we’ve touched on so far. Consumers can watch videos on their phones or tablets, and should also be able to interact with checklists, checking off materials or steps as they go.
Show Your Failures
If all of your resources are stocked with experts completing flawless projects, DIYers may start to feel like “Well of course you can do it. You’re a professional.”
Share your failures with DIYers. Show them where you went wrong, how you corrected it or how you had to start over and were careful to avoid the same mistake twice. DIYers want to interact with brands that feel human, and humans aren’t perfect. By sharing your imperfections your giving the DIYer permission to mess up and start over, and when they start over they just may stop by your store to stock up on more supplies.
Online resources are key to building brand loyalty with DIY Consumers. And the key to online resources is variety. Stock your digital library with all types of projects, videos, checklists, blog posts, success and failures and you’ll be well on your way to being a go-to resource for the DIY Consumer.