Smart in the Kitchen Update
Let’s talk! I haven’t posted on my blog lately because I’ve been busy with Substack and Instagram content, teaching cooking classes (my actual job), planning my Kitchenette Farm retreat, and developing recipes. Here’s what’s happening with winter cooking classes, holiday markets and where to find my new recipes.
Two-Day Thanksgiving Class
SOLD OUT! Please let us know if you want to be added to the waitlist!
If you don’t live in Houston but want to cook with me, join my online cooking school!
Markets & Bookfairs
I’ll be at Steel Magnolia Moms Holiday Market on November 7th. The event address is 1300 Brittmoore Road in Houston. Purchase tickets and come shop!
I’ll also be at St. Martin’s Preschool Bookfair on November 19th and 20th from 8:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Substack Details
Substack is an easy-to-use newsletter platform that I’ve thought about joining for a long time. You can be a free or paid subscriber to my newsletter there. I’ll send one recipe per week via Substack. Usually, it will be a recipe that has been a “fan favorite” from a recent cooking class. Recipes will be for paid subscribers. Developing recipes, writing worthwhile posts, and taking photographs takes work, time, and energy. I hope you all understand! All recipes will be added to a recipe index. Occasional recipes will be shared with all subscribers. I also have tons of recipes and meal plans you can rediscover on this site!
Tuesday cooking tips. Or knife skills, ingredient tips, kitchen equipment tips, hacks, cleaning tips, organization tips, etc. Consider it a mini cooking class. These Substack posts will be free for all subscribers. Yay!!! Here’s one about making homemade breadcrumbs from past-its-prime and frozen bread.
Friday favorites. Free for all Substack subscribers. Yay again! These are random musings and things I’m reading, cooking, and loving.
Travel posts! My guilty favorite. These are bonus items for paid Substack subscribers. I will save these to a travel index. Don’t miss my London Guide, Paris recap, carry-on packing guide and NYC Research.
FREE occasional cooking classes for Substack subscribers. First up, Smarty Pants Thanksgiving Cooking Class (gobble gobble!) on Zoom. For paid subscribers only. Get my favorite Thanksgiving recipes, my family’s menu, organization tips, and time with yours truly. All paid subscribers will be invited and will receive the recipes and Zoom link. Mark your calendars for Thursday, November 14, at 4 pm CST.
Here’s Why Substack
Substack will be where I spend most of my writing and recipe post time. I also have a cooking school membership called Smart in the Kitchen School and other online classes and resources. Teaching in-person classes is something I genuinely love, and while I’ll continue (for now), I’m looking forward to slowing down one day. My back and body sometimes ache from standing and hauling equipment, and let’s be honest, crossing the 50-year-old threshold has made me think about the next chunk of my life. I’d love to be more flexible with my time and geographical location, and I love the quiet time that writing provides. So, thank you for joining me here over the years! I’ll still be popping in, but if you want even more of me in your inbox, head over to Substack and subscribe.