Whether you’re in the habit of air drying every clothing item you own or strictly delicates, as you start to research the options out there, you’ll quickly discover one thing: There just aren’t many beautiful drying rack designs. Most of the pop-up ones take up precious floor space and are so flimsy that one wrong move will send your clean laundry pile to the ground. Then there are the kinds that dangle your wardrobe overhead, taking advantage of the warmest air in the room while making your space look like an industrial dry cleaner’s. But notice that we said there weren’t “many” beautiful designers, not “any.”
In a recent tour of designer Maggie Glendenning’s Utah home, we couldn’t help but notice a wall-mounted system in her sunny yellow laundry room. “The drying rack is from Europe,” she shared with us. “I was trying to find a cute one, because I don’t like to put things on hangers and I didn’t want a [ceiling] hanging rack.”
The sculptural piece from Norwegian brand Northern is made of pop-out rectangles and looks like a contemporary art piece when it’s not in use (big bonus points).
There’s no hiding from the $500 price tag—it’s an investment. But this isn’t just about good looks. For taking up so little room, it packs a ton of hanging space. The various frames span different sizes, meaning a pair of pants can have its own zone while your socks can line up on another. It can even double as an outfit planner if you decide to house it in your bedroom: Set your clothes and accessories out for the next day, just like you did way back in high school.