Nearly fifteen years ago, I began Coco Kelley as a little side project. The blog was created as an outlet for my love of design. Fast forward to 2022, and I never would have believed my career trajectory would have taken me here. But like all good things… it’s time for this journey to end, and another to begin.
While I’m not ready to close the doors on blogging forever, my focus has truly shifted – or rather, the world around it has shifted. I’m no longer interested in the label of ‘influencer’. And to be honest, I never really was. That title grew organically along with me, and while that role afforded me many an amazing opportunity, eventually I found myself burnt out by the cycle of sponsored posts and the demand of constant content. I felt like I was no longer living my life, but planning my life around what photos opportunities it would provide for me. And, frankly, that’s no way to live. I wanted to create for creation sake. Travel for the love of travel. Cook a beautiful meal for my friends, not just photos.
In the past few years I asked myself a lot of questions both personal and professional around this question of what I want, and what I learned was that in order to continue to show up here it was time for me to show up authentically. Not a face behind a name, but the face of the name. I’m not Coco. I’m not Kelley. I’m just Cassandra.
I’m also a few other things.
I’m an Interior Stylist. My greatest passion in life is literally rearranging stuff. Your stuff. My stuff. Finding the ways to arrange that stuff into a story. Did you know that’s a job? It’s my job. It’s amazing. And you can read about how it all works in our Services section.
I’m also a Shop Owner.
Last year, we opened Shop Coco Kelley, which is now Casa di LaValle. It’s my new baby and I’m so proud of how much it’s grown in just over a year. Every day I get to play with, and am surrounded by, beauty. I’m sourcing vintage on the weekends. I’m collaborating with local and international makers. I’m pinching myself that I get to do this. Needless to say, you can expect to see a lot of behind the scenes and inspirational content from the shop around here. I’m so excited for it to evolve.

The good news for all you blog lovers (or very occasional readers) is that we’ll still be blogging. Just differently! Our content will be shifting, just like our presence here. I’ll be focused on creating original pieces about styling, showing you more of my client projects, and featuring more local house tours, businesses, and makers. We’ll also, of course, be sharing lots of inspiration from the shop, and our favorite design finds, all of which will still be coming to you through our newsletter! So don’t forget to sign up.
This day has a been such a long time coming and it’s bittersweet, but also reinvigorating. I’m so incredibly grateful for those of you who have been on this journey with me, and those who will continue to join me. There’s so much more to come.